They Don’t Teach This in Seminary

ProfessorWell, at least most seminaries do not teach about church building.  We were pleased to be informed that Liberty University has started using Preparing to Build in their D.Min program.

Pastors are taught a variety of things, including how to exegete the Word, pastoral care, church planting, and church growth strategies – but no one teaches them what to do when they are successful and need to build church facilities. We are here to help.

Your church will never undertake a task that is more demanding or complicated in terms of cost, risk, and effort than in a church building program. However, those in your church are largely unequipped by either training or experience to lead the church in a building program in a optimal manner.

The purpose, therefore, of our church construction consulting ministry is to equip and guide your church in building the best building for the ministry in a manner that will:


  1. Uncertainty,
  2. Cost,
  3. Effort, and
  4. Risk
  5. Wear and tear on Pastors and staff


  1. Satisfaction with the finished project,
  2. Unity and concurrence in the body of Christ while building, and
  3. Financial support for the project.

Contact us about information on how we can help your church plan for a building program,.