Raising Money To Build A Church
Is your church looking to raise money for a church building program? Whether you are looking to raise money to build a new church, renovate an old church, or just retire debt from the last building program, we can help. Raising money in the church is not easy, even in the best of times. But even in today’s economy, churches are excelling with campaigns that produce both spiritual and financial fruit.
Raising Money to Build a Church Through A Biblical Church Capital Campaign
Abundant Giving is a biblical capital campaign that will honor God and respect your congregation. Our church capital campaign consultants believe a successful church capital campaign will first bear spiritual fruit, which leads to increased giving of the the members time, treasure and talents in supporting the church’s vision and mission. It is our fundamental belief that God’s vision will get His provision. If you have a Kingdom need that you are called to meet that you cannot meet with your current facilities, we believe God will meet that need. God’s perfect plan of provision provides for meeting that need through the proper stewardship of His people.
The Abundant Giving Church Capital Campaign
- Helps you raise up and equip a team of people to lead your church in this important work
- Encourages people to give cheerfully, not under compulsion (2 Cor. 9:7)
- Provides a proven process that is both biblical and effective
- On average, raises twice as much money as trying to figure it out on your own
- Helps you adapt proven best practices to the culture and circumstance of your church
- Provides increased excitement for the mission of the church and spiritual growth of its members
For More Information, Visit AbundantGiving.com
It’s so good, we gave it its own web site!
Biblical Basis of the Church Capital Campaign
The church capital campaign in the larger context of generosity
Timing the church capital campaign