Church Capital Campaign

Abundant Giving Church Capital Campaign
Abundant Giving – A Biblical, Flexible, and Effective Church Capital Campaign

A church capital campaign is a spiritual endeavor that also produces financial fruit.

A church capital campaign is really not about money, it is about helping people understand a kingdom need exists, understanding God’s perfect plan of providence through stewardship, and, through teaching and prayer, calling people to the appropriate faith response; for God has provided an abundance for every good work .

What you should expect from a Church Capital Campaign

  • Increased unity and support for the building program: spiritually, financially, and emotionally.
  • To raise between 1 and 3 times your current annual receipts to the general fund over a 3 year giving period.
  • Spiritual growth, as people seek God’s will and trust His provision.
  • Improved ability to obtain church construction financing.
  • The necessary monthly cash flow to help service a mortgage.
  • Increased cash reserves to provide a financial safety net.
  • Increased excitement in the body of Christ.
  • The spiritual benefits of a coordinated time of teaching and preaching regarding our money and possessions.
  • Cash for up-front design fees and initial construction expenses.
  • Potential to reduce the funds that need to be borrowed.
  • In addition to the money raised in the campaign, it is not unusual to see regular tithes and offerings go up 10-15% during a capital campaign.
  • The spiritual benefits of putting faith into action.

Abundant Giving – A Biblical, Flexible, and Effective Church Capital Campaign
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