Church Building Guide

Preparing to Build | Guide to Church Building Programs and Church Construction

Want to learn how to build a church? Read the testimonials – and get the book! This church building program guide will be the best and least expensive investment you make in your church building program!

Few churches are equipped with the experience or training to properly lead the church through a building program in a manner that will ensure the best outcome.  This trivial investment will save the church time, effort, stress, and potentially tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, as it plans to build a new church.

Preparing to Build has been required reading in the Church Admin Class of Liberty University’s D.Min. Curriculum.

One of the Liberty doctoral candidates had this to say about Preparing to Build.

Stephen Anderson wrote an absolute masterpiece in his focused book Preparing to Build.  It is a high-level guide for any and every church preparing to build new facilities. If churches used Anderson’s work before beginning the process of building, they would save themselves a whole lot of headaches, actually be prepared for what is upcoming, and ultimately make better and clearer decisions throughout the course of action.

More Information

– More Testimonials
– Overview of Book
– Free Preview (PDF)
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Why THIS Church Building Guide?

Written by a church building consultant, Preparing to Build is in its 3rd edition.  It is packed with real-world, no holds barred information that can save your church much heartache, time, stress, and money.  There is safety and power in knowledge, you can improve your church building program for less than the cost of dinner.

One of life’s most painful moments comes when we must admit that we didn’t do our homework, that we are not prepared.” ~ Merlin Olsen.

Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four hours sharpening the axe.”  ~Abraham Lincoln, On Planning and Preparation

It pays to plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.” ~Thomas Edison.

The result of planning should be effective, efficient, and economical…that is, suitable for the intended purpose, capable of producing the desired results, and involving the least investment of resources.” ~Clark Crouch

The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, But everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty.” Proverbs 21:5

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The Preparing to Build website has ordering information, testimonials, downloadable preview and much more, including a free download that does not require registration or email address!